Did Trump conspire with Russian meddling in the 2016 election and did he obstruct the investigation?
After the Special Counsel’s expensive and exhaustive 23-month investigation, one that followed a 9-month FBI investigation and two Congressional investigations, we finally have what we knew all along was the answer — NO!
The 400+ page Mueller report says the Special Counsel found insufficient evidence of criminal wrongdoing to justify charging Trump with a crime of conspiracy or obstruction.
Great. Glad that’s settled. Trump is vindicated.
All Americans should rejoice that their president isn’t a traitor, as virtually all Democrats and the Democratic-media have been endlessly proclaiming for three years.
It’s also good the Special Counsel shed light on Russia’s nefarious attempts to impact an election and sow discord amongst the American people.
But we don’t think the investigation answered all questions about Russia’s unlawful operations against our democracy or put them into proper perspective.
Here’s some of what we still need to know …
RUSSIAN “ACTIVE MEASURES” SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN … The Mueller Report used tens of pages to highlight how Russian entities created phony social media accounts and spent a paltry $100,000 on fake, predominantly anti-Clinton Facebook ads. Then they opined on how it divided Americans and ‘potentially’ influenced tens of millions of voters. But what the collusion hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the Deep State? What about the Democratic-media’s 90% negative coverage of President Trump before and after the election? How much discord did that sow? How many voters did that affect? No opinion on that, Mr. Mueller?
RUSSIAN HACKING AND DUMPING OPERATIONS … The Mueller Report outlines in great detail how Russia hacked Clinton campaign and DNC email accounts and dumped the stolen emails on the American public. We are glad the Special Counsel exposed this criminal activity. However … Why didn’t the FBI ever examine the DNC server that was hacked? Why didn’t the report disclose which countries infiltrated Clinton’s illegal personal server? Why didn’t they confirm that everything the Russian hackers obtained and publicized about Clinton and the DNC was true?
ORIGINS OF THE COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS AGAINST TRUMP AND HIS CAMPAIGN ADVISORS … George Papadopoulos, a low-level foreign policy volunteer in the Trump campaign, was targeted by three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. Intelligence — Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper. It all started when Mifsud, a Maltese academic with reportedly high level connections to the Russian government and U.K. intelligence, told Papadopoulos that Russia possessed “dirt” on Clinton in the form of thousands of damaging emails. Then Papadopoulos mentioned that same gossip to a “representative of a foreign government” who had sought out Papadopoulos. Why didn’t the Mueller Report identify the “representative” as Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat with direct ties to the UK Intelligence firm Hakluyt. Then Stefan Halper, a former Republican operative and White House aide who became a foreign policy academic with close ties to both American and British intelligence, sent Papadopoulos an unsolicited email asking to discuss foreign policy issues with him. According to the Washington Examiner, Halper told Papadopoulos: “I’ll pay you $3,000 and I’ll fly you to London, and let’s talk about it for a couple days and let’s see what you can do, and just write a paper for me.” Papadopoulos met Halper in London and Halper grilled him about Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails, Russia’s involvement, and how it may have benefited the Trump campaign. Papadopoulos said, “I think I pushed back and I told him, ‘I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” It turns out that Halper met with both Carter Page and Papadopoulos at the behest of the FBI. This trap by U.S. and U.K. intelligence agencies is how the Obama DOJ began their counter-intelligence operation against the Trump campaign. But was this spying on a political campaign adequately predicated? The Mueller Report is silent.
MEETING AT TRUMP TOWER … The Mueller Report spends multiple pages detailing a meeting at the Trump Tower during which Donald Trump Jr. hoped to obtain “dirt” on Hilary Clinton from Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer with connections to the Russian government. The report also focuses on President Trump. Did he know about the meeting ahead of time? Did he authorize it? Did he know what was to transpire? Was there a quid pro quo established? Did the Trumps try to hide details of the meeting? etc. But what about the “dirt” that Veselnitskaya supposedly had on Clinton? The report says Veselnitskaya had evidence that Clinton and the DNC received funds from well known donors who generated their donations via tax evasion and money laundering committed in the U.S and Russia. The Special Counsel had authority to follow any crimes found during the course of their investigation, right? So why didn’t they follow up on this possible crime? Also, Veselnitskaya supposedly met with Fusion GPS, ringleader of the Steele dossier political smear campaign, the day before, the same day, and the day after the Trump Tower meeting. Why didn’t the Mueller Report even mention that? Why didn’t they investigate such a strange and suspicious coincidence?
We could go on, and on, and on …
Despite no indictment against the president, the two-tiered justice system was on full display in this report. Mueller’s partisan team pursued Trump with aggressive tactics better suited for an anti-terrorism case, while showing zero interest in following up on obvious leads of Democratic malfeasance.
We hope Attorney General Barr, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the DOJ Inspector General will now balance the scales of justice by investigating the real crimes that started the Trump / Russia collusion fiasco our country has suffered through for the past three years.