In a recent Factual Harassment post — The Truth About Jussie, His Liberal Co-conspirators And Hate Crimes In The U.S. — we focused on hate crime victims. Today, we’re posting facts about hate crime offenders that we hope will put things in perspective and diffuse racial tensions.

Once again, we utilized FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) hate crime data collected annually from participating law enforcement agencies around the country. They record the number of incidents, offenses, victims, and offenders in reported crimes that were motivated in whole or in part by a bias. We reviewed the FBI’s hate crime data from 2008 (Obama’s election year) through 2017 (Trump’s first year in office). Here is what we found …

The total population covered in the FBI’s annual hate crime data collection effort is rising. Greater population coverage means a more comprehensive assessment.

The number of law enforcement agencies participating in the FBI’s annual hate crime data collection effort is rising. More reporting agencies means a more comprehensive assessment.

The percentage of law enforcement agencies reporting hate crimes over the study period has been trending downward, however, more agencies have been reporting hate crimes in the past few years.

While the number of hate crime offenders has been trending downward, law enforcement agencies reported more hate crime offenders each year since 2014.

The number of reported hate crime offenders has been rising because the covered population is bigger and there are more agencies participating, but is the number of offenders per agency also increasing? The chart below indicates the rate of hate crime offenders per agency has been trending downward, with increases each year since 2014 by only 1/100 of an offender per year per participating agency.

To put things in perspective, in 2017 there were 6,370 hate crime offenders equalling 0.0021% of the population covered.

When looking at hate crime offenders by race in the chart below, the top three groups were White, Black and Multi-Race in descending order, representing nearly 80% of all hate crime offenders.

The White offender percentage has been trending lower, the Black offender percentage has been trending higher, and the Multi-Race trend has been essentially flat.

In 2017, the percentage of White offenders increased, while the percentage of Black offenders decreased.

We compared each race group’s percentage of U.S. population with their percentage of hate crime offenders and found over-representation in the Black and Multi-Race groups. In other words, the percentage of hate crime offenders in these two groups was greater than their representation in the general population.


While the number of hate crime offenders is rising because more law enforcement agencies are participating, the rate of offenders reported per agency has experienced only a minuscule increase since 2014.

Even one hate crime is one too many, and 6,370 hate crime offenders in 2017 is a downright disgrace to our nation. But to keep things in perspective, these offenders amount to only 0.0021% of the population covered in the FBI reports and only 0.0020% of the total U.S. population.

White offender rates have been trending downward and Black offender rates have been trending upward, though we look forward to seeing whether 2017 stats were an anomaly or a harbinger of things to come.

While over half of hate crime offenders are White, hate crime offenders are over-represented by Black and Multi-Race groups.

Despite claims by liberal media, civil rights organizations, and certain Democratic presidential candidates that White-on-Black hate crimes are rising due to allegedly racist and nationalist words, actions and policies of the Trump administration, this study clearly indicates those claims are hysterical, unjustified and wrong.

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