Jussie, Ellen, MSM, ACLU, NAACP & Dems Are The Real Racists! …

It appears the alleged hate crime against Jussie Smollett is just a hate hoax he orchestrated himself.


But when the black, gay actor first reported to Chicago Police that he was the victim of an attempted lynching by two men in red hats yelling homophobic and racist remarks and Trump campaign slogans (e.g., Make America Great Again), the liberal left went wild by blatantly linking a rise in such hate crimes to “Trump’s America”:

Gay actress Ellen Page was on Colbert’s Late Show and encouraged people to “connect the dots” between the Trump camp and the alleged attack on Smollett. “If you are in a position of power and you hate people, and you want to cause suffering to them, you go through the trouble, you spend your career trying to cause suffering, what do you think is going to happen? Kids are going to be abused and they’re going to kill themselves, and people are going to be beaten on the street,” she said.


The mainstream media, liberal organizations, and Democrat politicians swallowed the hoax hook, line and sinker.

Here’s what USA Today actually printed: “The symbolism of the noose has continued to be used by racists, though for a time it became less common. That appears to be changing, with an increase in racist and xenophobic attacks by people who appear emboldened since the election of President Donald Trump, say civil rights groups.

Rather than learning their lesson from other hoaxes, like the Muslim woman hoax when she falsely claimed an attack by Trump supporters on the New York subway, or the recent Covington Catholic boys hoax when innocent high school students wearing MAGA hats were wrongly blamed for harassing a Native American protester, the media rushed to judgement because it confirmed their bias and played into their narrative: “This is what happens in racist, homophobic, hate-filled MAGA country.”

Ironically, civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton of Tawana Brawley rape hoax infamy, didn’t waste any time calling on President Trump to condemn the “MAGA attackers.” “It ought to be denounced by even the president, the author and the main proselytizer of Make America Great,” Sharpton told TMZ on Tuesday. “His silence would be very, very deafening.


The ACLU piled on, too: “Throughout American history, there have been spikes in hate crimes when political rhetoric is racist and hateful,” says Jeffery Robinson, an ACLU deputy legal director and director of the Trone Center for Justice and Equality.  “When you see racist rhetoric emanating from the leader in the White House, don’t be surprised when you see these acts,” he adds. “They are a symptom of something uglier and deeper in American society.

Not to be outdone, Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP’s Washington, D.C. bureau said: “This particular president of the United States seems to be more tolerant of those who would buy into a more discriminatory ideology, in some cases almost telling them that it’s OK to do these things.

Democrat Senators running for president, New Jersey Sen. Corey Booker and California Sen. Kamala Harris, called the Smollett attack “an attempted modern-day lynching.” New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand tweeted: “This is a sickening and outrageous attack, and horribly, it’s the latest (my emphasis) of too many hate crimes against LGBTQ people and people of color.”

Booker regularly rails on “rising hate crimes.” He called for a unified pushback against “attacks on people because they’re different.” He regularly states: “We know in America that bigoted and biased attacks are on the rise in a serious way.” We agree that hate crimes are a serious problem, but are they on the rise and is it a crisis?

The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) collect hate crime data annually from participating law enforcement agencies around the country. They record the number of incidents, offenses, victims, and offenders in reported crimes that were motivated in whole or in part by a bias. We reviewed the FBI’s hate crime data from 2008 (Obama’s election year) through 2017 (Trump’s first year in office). Here is what we found …

The number of law enforcement agencies participating in the FBI’s annual hate crime data collection effort is rising. More reporting agencies means more reported hate crimes.

The percentage of law enforcement agencies reporting hate crimes over the study period has been trending downward, however, more agencies have been reporting more hate crimes each year since 2014.

Are hate crimes rising because there are more agencies reporting them or is the rate per agency increasing. The chart below indicates the rate of hate crime victims per agency has been increasing from a ten year low in 2014 to 2010 and 2012 levels of 0.55 hate crimes per agency.

The total population covered in the FBI’s annual hate crime collection effort is rising. Greater population coverage means a more comprehensive assessment.

The percentage of hate crime victims in the covered population over the study period has been trending downward, however, it has been rising each year since 2014.

In 2017, 8,828 people or 0.0029% of the covered population experienced a hate crime.

Anti-Black, Anti-LGBT, Anti-White, Anti-Jew, Anti-Hispanic and Anti-Muslim crimes represent the top six hate crime victim groups in descending order.

The Anti-Black and Anti-LGBT groups represent 43% of all hate crime victims.

While the number of hate crimes against these groups has been rising since 2014, their share of all hate crime victims has been declining since 2008.

In 2017, all of the top six categories either declined or remained flat as a percentage of all hate crime victims.


We compared the victim group or category percentage of U.S. population with percentage of hate crime victims and found gross over-representation in the Black, LGBT, Jew, and Muslim categories. In other words, these minorities were victimized by hate crimes in much greater percentages than their percentage representation in the general population.

Here are our conclusions:

Hate crime numbers and rates per agency had been falling, but began rising again every year since 2014.

Hate crimes for the top six groups (with the sole exception of Jews), as a percentage of the covered population, are declining.

FBI data indicates hate crimes started rising before Trump administration words, actions and policies took effect.

Hate crimes are grossly over-represented in Black, LGBT, Jew and Muslim minority groups.

While even one hate crime is one too many, and 8,828 hate crime victims in 2017 is a downright disgrace to our nation, these victims amount to only 0.0029% of the FBI’s covered population and 0.0027% of the U.S. population.

Is this a crisis? NO!

Can and should we do better? YES! 

But, c’mon, Trump and his supporters aren’t racists.

As Geraldo Rivera so eloquently stated, “The 2015 Charlestown Church massacre and 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue slaughter are examples of violent hate crimes that horrify us. When someone invokes the ugliness of those hate crimes for fraudulent ends, they disrespect every real victim of every lynching and racist attack down through the years. The perpetrators of these frauds are shallow, grotesquely selfish, and deserving of our scorn. Shame on them. They are the real racists.

Shame on you Jussie, Ellen, media, ACLU, NAACP and Democratic presidential candidates!

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