Dear Migrant Caravan: Happy Job Hunting in Guatemala & Mexico!

Take a close look at this recent picture of the Honduran migrant caravan and you’ll observe they are primarily comprised of young men and women.

(Source: Washington Times, 10/21/18)

While many news outlets are reporting incorrectly that all of the 5,000 migrants are seeking political asylum, most in fact are simply seeking jobs.

A quick review of youth unemployment statistics in the CIA’s World Factbook should lead these migrants to considerably shorten their march north.

Summarized below are the respective youth unemployment rates (lower is better) and worldwide rankings (higher is better) of the migrants’ potential destination countries:

  • Guatemala: 4.8% youth unemployment; 149 world ranking
  • Mexico: 7.7% youth unemployment; 137 world ranking
  • United States: 10.4% youth unemployment; 127 world ranking
  • Honduras: 14.2% youth unemployment; 94 world ranking

As noted in Breitbart News, the United States’ “mass illegal and legal importation of mostly low-skilled foreign workers is a boon to big business and Wall Street, but it results in decades of poor job growth, stagnant wages, and increased public costs for working and middle-class Americans.”

So here’s our message to the Honduran youths in the migrant caravan: Happy job hunting in Guatemala and Mexico!

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